Industrial waste management and recycling: A new horizon
Industrialization is often called a miracle of the 20th century as it has not only advanced the economy of many countries but also improved the quality of life too. It has led to the creation of millions of jobs and made life easier for common people. However, it has also led to one of the crisis for mankind in the form of industrial waste.
What is industrial waste and how it is generated?
Industries produce goods by processing through many chemical and physical treatments, as a result, some amount of byproducts or residues are generated each time. These products can be solid or liquid and usually of use by industries, thus considered as “waste”. This “Industrial waste” is normally dumped in water bodies nearby or treated by landfilling. The problem is that these techniques are inefficient and the amounts of wastes keep piling up. Furthermore, industrial wastes are often hazardous to humans as well as the environment and can have a long-lasting impact.

Impact of industrial wastes
According to an estimate, every year 7.6 billion tons of waste is generated by industries in the USA. Such a huge amount of waste is not easy to handle or remediate. Some of the chemical industries have even polluted the air, water, soil, and even groundwater in their vicinity. Many times industrial accidents due to improper handling of waste also occur. Such compounds, often called xenobiotics are not easily degraded in nature and can constantly release chemicals into the environment. Industrial wastes have led to a rise in infertility, birth defects, cancer, and many physiological conditions. It even threatens the biodiversity as many species are slowly going toward extinction.

These complications have a huge impact on the environment as well as the reputation of the company producing them. Many times it had led to legal consequences or even ban for these industries. SO IT IS ALWAYS MANDATORY FOR COMPANIES TO MANAGE OR REMEDIATE THE WASTE GENERATED BY THEIR INDUSTRIES.
What is Industrial waste recycling and management?
It is a combination of Management of waste and recycling these wastes into marketable products. Waste management deals with the identification, collection, and proper handling of industrial waste and transports these waste to recycling plants safely. Waste recycling involves the green processing of industrial waste chemically, biologically, or physically to turn them into products like textiles, plastic ware, glassware, etc.
The strategy of managing and recycling totally depends on the type of waste. Following are the types of industrial waste-
- Solid agricultural waste (Sugarcane bagasse, wheat bran, Banana pseudostem, etc.)
- Solid residual waste (foaming material, plastic residues, glass bottles, Cans)
- Solid hazardous waste (Industrial toxic wastes)
- Liquid flow through waste from industries (textile and dye processing, liquid waste of food industries)
- Liquid waste with hazardous compounds (Acidic, alkaline, or toxic wastes)
- Mixed waste containing biohazard waste (clinical and medical waste)
- Miscellaneous waste (solid-liquid waste, community-generated waste)
How Industrial waste is managed?
Industrial waste can be managed by the aid of specialized equipment, transport vehicles, and trained professionals. Industrial waste management technologies have all the specialized equipment which can collect the waste simultaneously as they are produced and stack them up in a transport vehicle safely. Workers wear safety equipment like gloves, masks, etc all the time.
Special attention is given if the wastes are toxic. In the case of toxic waste, waste management companies often send their professionals to pick up and carry the waste by themselves. It is also a routine practice of waste management companies to prepare a “clean up” report each time and produce the same when asked. They even certify the industries for safety.
This has become standard practice for many industries and they often display it in their brochures about the waste is managed which keeps the industry safe and in working condition all the time.

It is important to note that as per the law the nature and toxicity of waste are total responsibility of the industry that generates it. It is advisable that industries analyze their waste carefully and give truthful reports to these waste management companies.
Industrial waste recycling:
Waste recycling companies are often called “flag-bearers” of “Green technologies”. These companies have the tough task of dealing with the industrial waste and then turn these waste into valuable products while keeping in mind that they themselves do not generate any wastes which can be of any concern.
We can understand waste management and recycle through the example of companies like Recognized Trading and Shipping, Inc (USA). Recognized Trading and Shipping, Inc., collects waste from refineries and other industrial and manufacturing locations with their special equipment and transport it to recycling facilities such as the Hongjing recycling facility and other locations around the world. They recycle industrial waste by means of hydrotreating catalysts through the spent catalyst recycling process and exporting hazardous waste modalities. They operate in accordance with the BASEL Convention for the worldwide shipping of hazardous waste materials.
- Some of the best examples of recycling are-
- Manufacturing plastic wares, textile materials, and organic chemicals from plastic wastes and residues.
- Recycle cans and glass to manufacture bottles and cans.
- Isolating metals and other precious compounds from E-wastes.

Industrial waste management and recycling become a very important aspect of manufacturing industries. Since adding the waste management and treatment makes manufacturing expensive the waste management and recycling industries can be an alternate economic option. Currently, waste management and recycling industries are on the rise and in heavy demand as the world is progressing toward keeping the environment as clean as possible. Moreover, apart from keeping the environment clean, these waste management and recycling companies are also an excellent opportunity as a new industrial sector which can further improve the economy and create new jobs. These industries will sure play a key role in industrialization in the future.
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