Harnessing Solar Power Paving a New Path to a Brighter Future for India
Since the dawn of civilization, the human being has been scouting for a convenient source of energy without any drawback. We have been capable of harnessing various types of energies past few decades, but those accomplishments came with consequences. The growing populations and industrialization have a constant increase in demand for cheap energy that will continue to run the motors and civilization.

The entire world is worried due to the quick wearing out of the fossil fuels on which all countries have developed this far. In order to find an alternative source of energy, the concept of harnessing solar power came into the picture. Recently huge research and development are going on to find a renewable source of energy that can run all our needs even if the fossils fuels deplete.
Solar Energy harnessing and use:
The solar cells have been more efficient due to innovation. Utilizing this technology every single aspect is being used to install the panels to gather as much energy as we can. Total Solar industry news capture – from global and indigenous grounds state some innovative measures that can decrease the use of electricity produced by using fossil fuels.
1. Chandigarh is going to harness 100 KW rooftop solar power plants in three different local stadiums with the help of the UT Engineering Department and Chandigarh Renewal Energy Science and Technology Promotion Society (CREST).
2. Bangalore is also enjoying similar rooftop plants for solar power harnessing with a capacity of 100KW with the help of Tata Power, which was installed in just 21 days.
3. Chennai Power Corporation is going to convert 130 rooftops of buildings into a massive solar power harnessing project. In order to get a good amount of renewable energy, the board has identified almost 836 buildings matching the criteria to initiate the project.
According to the news and event updates from solar products Government and private companies make, there are many more incidents that show how significantly this solar power tapping program has been accepted nationwide. India is not the leading country in the case of renewable power production, but the contemporary ventures will place her on the list.
Solar Power in rural development:
India is a country where the sun shines for more than 300 days a year. This is a great supporting reason to afford solar panels. In fact, the rural areas are affected most due to the deficiency of power. The solar water pump is one of the significant examples that can be used in this scenario. News and event updates from solar products Government and private companies are showing huge progress in the harvest as the farmers are getting immense help from the innovative pumps.
According to total solar industry news capture – from global the pumps are of two types, surface, and submersible. Installation of this miracle so far has made the farmers think less about the drought and can cultivate their lands without any hesitation. The food production in India will see a great development in the near future due to the convenience of solar panels.
Since the dawn of civilization, the human being has been scouting for a convenient source of energy without any drawback. We have been capable of harnessing various types of energies past few decades, but those accomplishments came with consequences. The growing populations and industrialization have a constant increase.
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